Courier to Oman

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Burhani oasis offers courier to oman from Dubai, UAE. Our courier service to oman includes to Muscat, Salalah, Sohar, Nizwa, Seeb and all other cities of Oman.

Road cargo from Dubai to Oman be it small parcels to bulk Cargo service to Muscat, Sohar, Salalah, Nizwa, Seeb. Door to Door cargo to Oman with immediate collection and express delivery through land freight is one of the common modes of shipping freight.

Door to Door cargo to Oman

Burhani Oasis Shipping provides efficient land transportation services to Oman from and via Dubai. We are one of the fast growing freight transportation and logistics solutions providers based in Dubai, UAE having almost a decade of experience in the freight transportation industry.

courier to oman

courier service to oman

Our comprehensive courier services to Oman from Dubai

  • Courier service to Muscat
  • Courier service to Salalah
  • Courier service to Sohar
  • Courier service to Nizwa
  • Courier service to Seeb
  • Cargo to oman from Dubai

We have a well coordinated land transport system for courier to salalah which ensures that your freight reaches Oman safely and on time. With our fleet of trucks, trailers, containers, refrigerated trucks, low-loaders and flatbed trailers having various loading capacities, we can handle freight of any size and shape that requires to be transported to Oman.

We have the resources and infrastructure to meet any and all land freight in Oman be it the transportation of perishable products, heavy machinery, electronic components or time sensitive cargo.

At Burhani Oasis Shipping, we recognize the fact that each of our customers will have specific land freight transportation requirements.

Our customer service staff at Burhani Oasis are always at hand to clear any doubts and provide answers to questions that you may have on matters relating to your freight transportation. We go that extra length to ensure that your work is carried out in the most expeditious and satisfactory way.
